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- Jarrod Thomas, Customer Service Manager,
Above All Roofing Professionals, LLC

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TrustLink has experience with all types of scams. From snake oil, lottery winnings, guaranteed credit cards, phishing, money offers from Nigeria, "we buy houses"... you name it. We will post info here on emerging scams and fraud and help you protect yourself. Forewarned is for forearmed!

We show 2 matches. Your results are currently filtered by Tag: work at home
Recent Scams
MORE on Work At Home schemes, TrustLink warns jobseekers: Never Pay To Get Paid!
Out of work? Looking for employment? You may want to think twice before responding to ads in your local newspaper, on job boards, or on the internet offering very attractive and high-paying jobs with little or no experience required. 

"Help Wanted! Government Office Positions high pay plus benefits no/little experience required!"
"Administrative Job-Medical top pay benefits no experience necessary"

Seeing this employment ad may seem like a dream come true, but answering the company’s job offer could lead to a nightmare. Applicants are often left with lighter wallets and no job. One such employment scam is Civil Career Corps of Santa Fe Springs, California who posts misleading and deceptive employment ads in local newspapers and on online job search sites: 

"U.S. Government $21-$75hr. Full Benefits Openings Available Local & Nat'l Opportunities (562) 944-2001 or (626) 451-6595 Call Mon- Fri 9-3 to learn how you can apply today."

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Tags: work at home
Work At Home Schemes
A job seeker should refuse any employment opportunity that involves:
  • Using your personal bank account: Never agree to deposit checks or money orders or to have money wired into your bank account, for any reason. Also don’t forward money from your account to another account, even if you are promised reimbursement. The checks or money orders will be counterfeit and the wire transfers will eventually be rescinded.
  • Paying money out of your pocket: You should not have to pay a fee to learn the details of a job, secure job-placement assistance, obtain a “background” or “identity” screening or accept an employment offer.
  • Re-shipping products: Stolen credit cards are typically involved. Victims spend their own money to re-ship products and are “reimbursed” with counterfeit checks or money orders.
  • Divulging private information: Legitimate businesses do not ask prospective employees to provide their birth date, Social Security number, or a copy of their driver’s license or passport.
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Tags: work at home
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