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Above All Roofing Professionals, LLC

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Work At Home Schemes
A job seeker should refuse any employment opportunity that involves:
  • Using your personal bank account: Never agree to deposit checks or money orders or to have money wired into your bank account, for any reason. Also don’t forward money from your account to another account, even if you are promised reimbursement. The checks or money orders will be counterfeit and the wire transfers will eventually be rescinded.
  • Paying money out of your pocket: You should not have to pay a fee to learn the details of a job, secure job-placement assistance, obtain a “background” or “identity” screening or accept an employment offer.
  • Re-shipping products: Stolen credit cards are typically involved. Victims spend their own money to re-ship products and are “reimbursed” with counterfeit checks or money orders.
  • Divulging private information: Legitimate businesses do not ask prospective employees to provide their birth date, Social Security number, or a copy of their driver’s license or passport.
  • Cross-border action: Offers from entities located outside the United States and Canada are typically suspect. While there are organizations across the U.S. and Canada to help investigate businesses in North America, it is much harder to develop information on businesses located in other countries.
To further guard against identity theft, TrustLink advises job-hunters to refrain from including their Social Security Number, birth date, or college graduation date in resumes that are posted online. Consider posting your resume anonymously and providing an e-mail address as your primary contact rather than your home address or phone number. 

Job seekers are urged to check out all prospective employers, job recruiters, placement firms and other employment opportunities to find out if the business is legitimate and can be trusted. 

Report abuse directly to the site where you may have posted a resume. If it involves a classified print ad, contact that division directly to report the offer as a scam, and relay your experience. If you believe you have been a victim of a job scam, below are agencies you may contact for further assistance and/or to file formal complaints:

Tags: work at home
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