James E.'s review of Raj Properties

Raj Properties

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Review Posted 8/3/2014
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Peeping Tom
I write this review in regard to the Raj Properties apartment building located on 2515 Benvenue Ave. in the Elmwood neighborhood of Berkeley, CA. I know this is a forum for comment on the 2076 University Ave. residential property but I could not locate
a place to post on Yelp so I do so here. Standing on the public sidewalk, facing the building, there ARE NO first level residences that are practically physically accessible from the outside. That is because the first story level of the building is comprised
of an entrance lobby area and a parking garage. All of the first level of residences are on the second story level of the building. That means in order that someone who wished to invade the privacy of one of these first level residents by glancing in a window
would have to JUMP as high as he could, GRAB the lowest portion of the balcony bars, AND have the arm strength to HOIST himself up onto the balcony. This seems, most charitably, very improbable given the physical layout involved here. Secondly, if one were
to enter the internal courtyard area of the building one would find there are only FIVE (5) first level residences that even have a window on that area. Now, as one might suspect, at least 4 of 5 of these residents keep their blinds closed at ALL times and
5 of 5 of these residents (i.e. 100%) draw their blinds during nighttime hours (when, presumably, the danger for peeping tommery when be at its height). I suggest the reason 4 of 5 of the residents would have their blinds drawn at ALL times would be the RATIONAL
concern that a CASUAL passerby in the internal courtyard may view what they would be virtually willfully putting on the display. The upshot here for people who attend an "elite" educational institution and may, therefore, be challenged by basic, reasonable
inference drawing is that it is AT BEST in all cases highly implausible that any peeping tommery would occur here (I say this because of the aforementioned climbing up on balconies from the external part of the building and that only 1 in 5 of the residents
with a window on the internal courtyard would have his blinds open even during the day when the danger for peeping tommery would be minimal) and often physically impossible for it to occur (I say this because 4 of 5 of the residents with windows on the internal
courtyard would keep their blinds drawn at all times and the species homo sapiens sapiens, anatomically modern man, does not possess a capacity for X-ray vision). The physical layout of this building, coupled with usually rational, responsible behavior in
keeping ones blinds drawn makes this apartment building very secure against the possibility of visual invasion of privacy by strangers through windows. In fact, I am so confident of my contentions contained herein I further assert that if management were to
hear complaint of peeping tommery, I would suggest they almost immediately dismiss these as lies. And if management did not so intellectually handle the matter, I would be inclined to accuse them of either STUPIDITY or BAD FAITH CONDUCT.
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Hours   Phone   (888) 593-6370 Address   2076 University Ave
Berkeley, CA 94704
Website   http://local.ingenio.com/Service/Raj-Properties/9967218 Email  
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