Scott C.'s review of FlashByte Digital, LLC

FlashByte Digital, LLC

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Customer Reviews & Ratings
Complaint Posted 4/30/2020
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. 0
Our internet and email was down, called for help so they EMAIL ? Hours later ? They don'[t care.
Our internet and email service went out, I called Flashbyte to see if they had problems, requesting a call back with any info. No response for hours, I got a cell phone and emailed them, still no response. Hours later I get an email on the cell that their system is ok so check my equipment, discovered the router was killed in the previous day's power outage, so now I know. Knowing I had no internet and only asking status, Flashbyte refused to call in a timely fashion as requested by phone, and later called my request "unreasonable", Tech support cost extra with no guarantees.They are only obligated to say if their system is operating, which they did not communicate as requested, apparently a call exceeds their "best effort" policy for a long standing customer who stuck with them through many problems and outages in the past.
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Joshua Tree, CA 92252
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